The Physherman’s Lifeboat Assessment

The Physherman never boards a vessel without his Lifeboat. The Physherman’s Lifeboat is equipped with everything he needs to ensure safety on dangerous waters. It is has all the essential survival needs and in the event of an emergency he has everything covered. The Physerman’s Lifeboat is an internet safety plan that covers all your essential safety needs, so if you get Hooked, you have nothing to worry about.

Schedule your Lifeboat internet safety assessment today!

To get access to your free cybersecurity assessment you need to sign up now! We only have 1 FREE assessment each week and slots fill up quick! Once you’re signed up the Physherman will get you started on a cybersecurity or internet safety assessment for your organization ASAP! This will include a basic overview of your cybersecurity posture so you can make informed decisions!

How does the assessment work?

  1. Sign up for a consultation.

  2. Answer a few questions during a brief initial consult.

  3. Physher will analyze the results from the consult and devise a safety plan catered for your organization.

  4. Show up to your follow-up meeting a week later and learn how you can protect yourself from your greatest risks!

The Physherman’s Lifeboat is a cybersecurity service that is tailored specifically to your security needs as an organization. We start with an internet safety assessment to determine your current security level, based on vulnerabilities and implemented security controls. We then work with your current IT Provider or Staff (don’t worry if you don’t have one, Physher can fill that role for you!) to get you started on a path to Level 3 security.

At Physher we categorize your security infrastructure into one of four levels, Class A, Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3. Our goal is get your organization to Class 3 security. Our process audits and reevaluates your security level every quarter to make sure you’re on the path to the highest security possible.

Learn more about our security levels here!

What is the Physherman’s Lifeboat?


At Physher, we take a look at your organization’s technology from top to bottom and determine your Cybersecurity threats. We then develop a plan to shore up your defenses.


We provide you with unique Cybersecurity solutions catered to you. At Physher, we ensure your users are protected in a cost effective and efficient manner.


All your confidential and sensitive data is taken seriously at Physher. We use the highest levels of redundancies for backups and the strongest methods for Cybersecurity. We make sure that your data is safe and protected.

Physher Security Levels

Class A - Dinghy

Little to no security controls, or massive vulnerabilities that render controls meaningless. Has IT Essentials in place, backups, anti-virus, patch scheduling, and a help desk, but IT resources are dedicated to keeping the ship afloat and are willing to take short-cuts to provide functional systems. Security controls and procedures may be in place, but they are sporadic, arbitrarily enforced, or rendered meaningless by workarounds.

Class 1 - Bowrider

Security controls are implemented, enforced, and security procedures regularly audit controls to ensure effectiveness. Vulnerabilities are tracked, recognized, and are actively mitigated or are on the path to mitigation. Controls prevent attackers from moving between systems in the event of a breach. Backups are regularly tested, and verification is reported. Overall access philosophy has been successfully changed from ‘trust-but-verify’ to ‘verify then trust and verify again’.

Class 2 - Trawler

Security procedures to actively find and test vulnerabilities are implemented. Log analysis tools aggregate and alert security staff of active or potential threats. Security staff actively trains users, tests users, and then retrains users. New users are rigorously trained in security procedures and controls. Breach response protocols are implemented.

Class 3 - Yacht

Regular security meetings are held with executive staff to communicate organization security needs as threats and risk change over time. Rigorous third-party testing is performed to test security teams’ response times, threat detection, and attack mitigation. Testing is performed every 90 days to ensure security team is always prepared and able to mitigate real threats. Results of security audits are reported to executive level staff, and they are kept aware of the organization’s security posture.